Saturday, September 4, 2010

guys need to learn how to hit on me better.

okay so today was one of the most awkward "getting hit on" by a guy kinda day at school.
this one dude, super skinny kinda gross- "can you sing"
me- "yeah i guess"
him-"well sing for me"
so naturally i start singing,,
he stops me...grabs both my hands, kneels down and says "will you marry me?"
thennn, this other guy,,,brown hair, insane amount of acne comes up to me randomly and is like "you turn me on"
umm so i was kinda in shock, so i just awkwardly stood there and made a weird face while blushing..
then this black dude kept singing to me all day,
and the super skinny gross guy kept putting his arm around me.
OKAY, all i know is that guys need to get much better at flirting with me..cause they did horribly today. and it actually didn't flatter me what so ever, more like freaked me out.


taylor:) said...

omg HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH wow....u atract a big asrotment sounding guys(; wow...that sounds like the best day ever(; sorry girl thats happened to meh

Jennalee said...

its not funny. its creepy, seriously. IF they wanna flirt with me, they need to actually learn how to flirt. and plus on top of it all they were butt ugly :(