Friday, August 27, 2010

water cravings

I have been drinking water like none stop today, i think i drank about 6 water bottles, and im refilling my cup with more water after i post this.
I don't know what got into me, but water was just on my mind all day.
Today i was proud of myself, i made a razoli all by myself and brownies as well.
And the razoli tasted magical might i point out, but i over cooked the brownies:/
oh well, i drowned my piece in a cup of milk, and it started to taste just right:)

Have you been having any weird cravings recently?

170th post:D


taylor:) said...

snapples. hahaha ik its wierd.....but ahjhh there really good:) the mango 1 is like my new favorite drink<3 yumm:P

Jennalee said...

OMG im litterally addicted to mango snapple, i buy it everytime at 7 11 when i end dance classes<3

taylor:) said...

omg i miss ctv so much:( how is it going? what classes r u taking nd who r ur teachers?

Jennalee said...

i'm signing up tuesday i believe.