Saturday, August 14, 2010

hume picturrresss;)

I took these at hume, i thought these ones were pretty decent, what do ya think?
AND ALL OF YOU COMMENT MORE, cause its kinda getting rediculous how lazy you all are...and its annoying that no one comments.


taylor:) said...

o myyy goodness jenalee u need to go on youtube and watch these 2 guys that sing...they r INCREDIBLE they have amazing voices...look up airplaines/ brick by boring brick cover... or just type in micheal henry and justin robbinett and u have to watch 'your gaurdian angel" ok/ its amazing<3333333

Jennalee said...

haha that was extremely random but ill go do it now haha

linnea ruth said...

you are making me jealous. what. the. heck. haha pretty gosh darn amazing pictures though (;

Jennalee said...

haha thanks:)
why am i making you jealous though?