Tuesday, July 6, 2010


Okatyy so i took these last week when i went to the beach, im actually really proud of myself:) haha
what do you think of them??


nathan said...

i like them. they dont look non professional

Jennalee said...

haha so u mean they look professional?

Nathan said...

pretty much if you know what i mean

Jennalee said...

haha okayyy:D

Apryll said...

these pictures are AMAZING! you should take some photography classes so you know the right angles and the right lighting and then you won't have to edit them as mcuh

Jennalee said...

i didn't edit these like hardly at all, all i did was light them up a little and put words in.

taylor:) said...

heyyy u should put up some pics from that day lol of u me nd marsella:)) btw they are ADORIBLEEEEEE !!!!!!!:D marsella showed me them i loveee them!!!!!!:D

Jennalee said...

okayy ill upload them to this post right now.

Jennalee said...

never mind, i cant find them. but i really liked them too:)

taylor:) said...

o:( o well haha il how u cropped that one of us in e bathingsuits lol;))

Jennalee said...

haha i know right?