Tuesday, July 20, 2010


Currently attempting to clean my room at 1:07am...yeah i love late nights, like during the summer every night is like bed at 2 wake up at 11:)
but as you can see i am not doing such a good job on cleaning my room, instead im on my moms laptop jammin to jason derulo and blogging about my boredness. haha
Okay its the weirdes thing but i swear im always inspired in the middle of the night, how sad is that? that like ill go my whole day not finding any inspiration, then it hits like 12 and here i go onto my blog writing like a million things. Ugh it seriously is not something i enjoy that much, but im a night owl i guess:)
omg that would be a good blog name-Night Owl.
totally changing my blog to that now. haha
whats new with everyone? hows your summer goin?


Anonymous said...

well nothing teerribly exciting........hahaha just been hanging at home and doing nothing realy lol:)) my bday is on friday:)))))<333333

taylor:) said...

that was by taylor sorryyy it didnt post it lol

Jennalee said...

haha its kayy.