Saturday, July 3, 2010

answer this please:)

sooo random question of the day,
if it was your last day on earth and you could only choose one person to spend it with, who would it be?

150th post((:


Nathan said...


Jennalee said...

well just choose haha,,,take a guess. idc!

nathan said...

there is so many to choose from. probably a friend or family member that isnt a christian

Jennalee said...

so you would lead them to christ? HOW COOL nathan:)

Anonymous said...

ummmmmm i would choose.....liam hensworth:D!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! or taylor lautner!!!!!!<33333 and i would lead them to Christ and then we'd get married and go to heaven together!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:)))))))

taylor:) said...

that was me taylor lol it went to anonuimous accidently:(