Sunday, May 9, 2010

a little glimmer of happiness

for some odd reason i've been in a good mood for the past few days..and its been great to actually be full of happiness:) it never happens to me...God truly does make miracles happen..cause just the other day my friend was pointing out i've been down recently and i wanted that to change. and baaaabammmm God did it:)
isn't He just inspirational?

and all of you comment on my freakin posts, my blogs feel so empty!!! and seriously it makes me feel like everyone hates me:/


Nathan said...

well we dont hate you and you dont go on my blog

Glory Johnson said...
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Jennalee said...

i do to go on ur blog nathan..ive been talking to u on ur chat box recently. and u never go on mine so u shouldnt be complainin!

Jacob said...

no one hates u

Jennalee said...

youd be surprised..some ppl actually do!