Thursday, March 25, 2010

idk what to title this... shark bait :)

how do you like the new look? :)

also so random but i freakin hate prank calls.
i get one at least twice a week.
and they freakin bug me.
whoever prank calls me 24/7..can u shut up! ugh


Apryll said...

I don't prank call you. I like the new look. :)

Jennalee said...

i know u dont.
its someone i know (i mean i recognize their voice..but i cant find out the voice that matches the face.)
and i like it too :)

Nathan said...

i like it....... do u like mine?

i got prank called 2 times a couple a weeks ago by emily taylor

Jennalee said...

yeah its very green nathan. lol

Nathan said...

wats green?